Peer Bridging at the
Southeast Recovery Learning Community

Are you in transition?
We are here to support you.
Our Peer Recovery Bridgers support people in making a transition from an inpatient or other restrictive setting to connect with resources in their communities of choice.
We are your peers. We have lived experience with mental health issues and have been in transition before, whether being discharged from the hospital, the prison system, leaving a group home, or other situations. We know what sort of difficulties you may face in the coming weeks.

Health care systems can be confusing. As your Community Peer Recovery Bridger, we can provide individual peer-to-peer support and in groups that we facilitate. Whatever you want this to look like is up to you. We can maintain this relationship after your discharge, help you face difficult situations when you need support the most, and offer resources and supports so your transition runs more smoothly.

Possible Needs of People in Transitional Situations: